Selasa, 25 September 2018

4 Khasiat Air Tajin untuk Adik Bayi. Diare Hingga Penyakit Kulit Eksem Bisa Teratasi

Lung cancer is one of the most deadliest type of cancers for both women and men. The combination of breast, colon, and prostate cancer cannot equal the number of people that die of lung cancer annually. The more you know about this deadly disease, the better chance you have of prevention. Facts Because lung cancer is a condition that occurs over time, it rarely affects people under the age of 45. Of course we already know that cigarette smoking is the number one cause of lung cancer. Some of the things that are a bit more conspicuous and contribute to the risk of lung cancer are: air pollution, arsenic in the drinking water, radon gas, asbestos, coal products, gasoline, and diesel exhaust fumes. Because some of these things, such as breathing, are a necessity, we need to take other precautions and preventative measures to compensate for the pollution we inhale. Prevention If we start with the most obvious prevention we know quitting smoking is it. Related to this is avoiding smoke from other people's cigarettes, cigars, or pipes. There is evidence that increasing your intake of fruits and vegetables can reduce the risk of lung cancer. Associated with this is regular exercise which can also lower the risk of this cancer. There are findings that curcumin and beta carotene supplements can neutralize lung cancer cells. Green tea and vitamin C also can help in this area, the reason is all of these supplements are either anti inflammatory or anti oxidants. Many of these supplement are readily available in health food stores and even local supermarkets. You want to pay attention to quality, the high quantity, low priced supplements found in discount stores rarely provide any benefits. Unfortunately our food supply has diminished in nutrients and you just can't eat enough of them to provide the protection you need. You might try hydrated fruits and vegetable in powdered form, these supplements are labeled as organic and mix well with fruit juice and cereal. Of course, you must always consult with your Physician about any changes you're going to make to your health program. There are Physicians that have both a medical and holistic degree, if you are fortunate enough to find a Dr. that practices both disciplines, then definitely keep them informed about what you are taking. Since we live In a society where pollutants and toxins are at high levels, we need to get even more educated about causes and prevention. Article Source:

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