Sabtu, 08 September 2018

Pesawat Tempur Suriah-Rusia Serang Idlib, Lima Bocah dari Satu Keluarga Tewas, Puluhan Terluka


After cardiovascular disease, cancer is the greatest cause of death in North America. This fearful and unfortunate reality is the case for millions of people who were exposed to asbestos and who now suffer from asbestos related diseases, one being mesothelioma cancer. It is a rare but very aggressive form of cancer. This is a major concern because many millions of people may have unknowingly been exposed to asbestos over the years and now their lives are threatened. What is mesothelioma? It is a cancer that affects the lining of internal organs called mesothelium. It attacks this membrane that lines the chest or abdominal cavity. It may occur even after limited exposure to the asbestos, and it may show up after a delay of as long as 40 years. It generally surfaces between the ages of 50-70. How does cancer, in general, appear in the body? It can be caused by heredity, free radicals from the air that we breathe in, or it can be caused by overexposure to minerals such as asbestos, to name just a few examples. The cells in our body become affected and damaged down to the DNA. These damaged cells begin to replicate and form a tumor which then spreads throughout the body if not identified and treated promptly. Many cancers are treatable or even curable. Mesothelioma is treated in a similar way to other types of cancer. Surgery, chemotherapy, radiation, and a combination of all three have all been used to try to diminish this form of cancer. Why can't the body just destroy these tumors? A major reason why is because our immune system is not strong enough to resist them. Studies have shown that when our immune system is strong, it can resist these cancer-causing agents. Dr. Gustavo Bounous proved in a research study back in 1988 that a whey protein diet can have a dramatic effect on inhibiting the incidence and growth of tumors. What was special about this whey protein that he tested? First, the whey protein was undenatured, meaning that the milk it came from was not ultra-pasteurized (overheated). Since it was undenatured the most important aspect of the whey protein, the amino acid cysteine, was held intact. Cysteine is no longer a part of the daily North American diet. If you were to eat a large amount of raw broccoli or raw eggs on a daily basis then you would barely fulfill the necessary daily requirement. Milk used to be the mainstay for our daily supply of cysteine but sadly it no longer is. Why is cysteine so important and how can it help those who suffer from mesothelioma? By increasing your level of cysteine on a daily basis and combining it with two other amino acids, glycine and glutamate (readily available in most foods), it aids the body in forming its master antioxidant called glutathione. The increased level of glutathione was the reason why the mice in the aforementioned study had the dramatic results with their tumors. This can be the same reality for you as well. Will taking L-Cysteine tablets be enough to activate glutathione in the body? Studies have shown that adding L-cysteine to a diet is not enough. It would never survive your stomach acid enough to provide the body what it needs to form glutathione. On the other hand, the cysteine found in whey protein will activate glutathione in the body. So if are suffering from mesothelioma, by incorporating an undenatured whey protein in your daily diet, it will not only shrink or even inhibit tumors but it will definitely help you find relief by increasing your quality of life. Michael has been working in the medical field as an EMT for the last 16 years and has been a consultant for the health and wellness firm, Immunotec, since October 2007. His goal is to educate you regarding ways to ensure that your health reaches an optimum level and it stays that way. If you would like to comment on this article and others like it please visit []. If you would like to learn more about or purchase some products mentioned in the article please visit []. Article Source:

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